Funeral Services

Funeral Process

The Islamic Society of East Bay (ISEB) has contracted the Duggan’s Funeral Service to provide the following

  1. Arrange for removal of the deceased
  2. Transport the deceased to the Mosque
  3. Obtain required legal documents to allow for the burial of the deceased
  4. Transport the deceased to the final resting place
  5. Provide death certificate
  6. For unnatural death, work with the local coroner’s office
  7. Embalm in unusual case

In order to quickly process a funeral, Please follow the steps of Filling and submitting the Funeral Paper work

Questions Or Details on Funeral

For any questions or details about the Funeral, please contact one of the following

  1. Imam Siraj Desai (510) 943 9600
  2. Br. Abdur Rehman (510) 366 5205
  3. Sr.Rehana Markar (510) 683 9701

Funeral Paper Work (For Download)

  1. In order to start the funeral process, please fill out the five page document. DOWNLOAD HERE
  2. The documents include the following
    1. Deceased Personal Details
    2. Authorization of disposition with or without embalming
    3. Doctor’s Contact information for Funeral Director This is very important document, which requires the last attending physician or the Primary Physician’s contact information. This is important in order for the funeral director to reach out to and to get the cause of death and to help procure the legal document for burial.

      Note: Not being able to contact or reach the Doctor can delay procuring the legal documents for burial and the start of Ghusl. Islamic Society of East Bay (ISEB) will not be responsible for this delay.

  3. Disclosure of preneed Funeral Agreement
  4. Release of bodily remains

This is to authorize Duggan’s funeral Home to pick the deceased and to transport to the Mosque.

Completed Paper Work

  1. Hand over the filled documents to Imam Siraj Desai or Br. Abdur Rehman
  2. This will be faxed over to Duggan’s Funeral Home to start the Funeral Process.
  3. Note 1 Do not contact the Duggan’s Funeral Service directly. For any Questions or Details, please talk to the appropriate individuals listed above.
    Note 2 For death’s occurring after 10:00 PM in the night, please fill out the form and fax the details directly to Duggan’s Funeral Home and contact Duggan’s Funeral Service. And also please handover the documents to Imam Siraj Desai the following day after Fajr Salah.